Senior Timeline (Academic Planning)

Lessons & Materials

1.Organizational Skills: Google Calendars: Deadlines, Senior Year Activities;

2.Transcript Analysis, & graduation review (credits and community service hours, Encouragement of CTE courses & Dual Enrollment

3.Credit recovery options;

4. All the “to-do’s” (transcript requests, sending scores, Letter of Recommendations.)

5. Marketing parent nights

Sept 12th gr classroom presentation AHS


How to organize your time and take care of yourself.

SLVHS_Senior Conference Sheet.docx

Senior Conference

How to prepare for a conference with your counselor

Brag Sheet 2020 (PVHS-Ximena Ospina)

Brag Sheet

Time to shine and feel pride

Senior Letter of Rec Request Form.pdf

Letter of Recommendation

WHS- Seniors and Parents Working Together to Unlock Your Potential

Marketing Parent Night

HHS College and Financial Aid Timeline - REILLY

College Application Timeline

Keep track of your applications

Dual Enrollment

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors

M4 B-LS1

NOSCA Component 7



Process Data

To be determined and entered here by each school site

Perception Data

A: Belief in the importance of team approach with students, families, & school counselors

K: Important dates

S: Identify key people to complete letters of recommendation

Outcome Data

AR: Family attendance at parent events

AR: Number of applications submitted (CC, CSU, UC, Common App., military, jobs)

A: Acceptance rates